Astral Sub-Plane 5
As you pass through the various sub-planes, you notice the people (astral dwellers) are very preoccupied with what they are doing. They are oblivious to your presence and passage. Everyone appears to be very busy, totally engaged in their work.
The principle of the life of the soul on the comparatively higher divisions of the Astral consists of a "working-out" of intellectual desires, ordinary tendencies, tastes, likes, and aspirations that they were unable to manifest fully in earth life the ambitions and similar forms of desires or inclinations, NOT the low sensual desires or animal tastes. Although most are creditable and praiseworthy, they are nevertheless concerned with physical manifestations and NOT spiritual unfoldment and evolution.
The higher planes are where the spiritual forces bloom and bear fruit. The Astral (even on the higher planes) is where the "living-out" and "working-out" of earthly intellectual and similar ambitions and aspirations take place.
Astral Sub-Plane 4
And so, as your vibratory rate increases and you ascend to the higher planes in the Astral World, the less the old earth scenes are seen. As you pass through the 4th Sub-Plane, these old earth scenes are now almost entirely out of sight...
Let's move on, shall we?
The Astral World by Swami Panchadasi